Ex Parte LAU et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2002-0807                                                        
          Application No.08/672,588                                                   

          instructions to be executed as a result of the communicated state           
          corresponding to the media portion of the application running on            
          the first processor.                                                        
               The Examiner relies on the following prior art:                        
          Crawford et al. (Crawford)  5,261,095        Nov. 09, 1993                  
          Fin et al. (Fin)            5,537,548        Jul. 16, 1996                  
                         (filed Jun 14, 1994)                                         
          Laursen et al. (Laursen)  WO 96/17306        Jun. 06, 1996                  
               (Published International Patent Application)                           
               Claims 2-7, 9-18, 22-24, and 26-32, all of the appealed                
          claims, stand finally rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being            
          unpatentable over Crawford in view of Laursen and Fin.                      
               Rather than reiterate the arguments of Appellants and the              
          Examiner, reference is made to the Briefs1 and Answer for the               
          respective details.                                                         
               We have carefully considered the subject matter on appeal,                                                                     
          the rejection advanced by the Examiner, the arguments in support            
          of the rejection, and the evidence of obviousness relied upon by            
          the Examiner as support for the rejection.  We have, likewise,              
          reviewed and taken into consideration, in reaching our decision,            
               1 The Appeal Brief was filed July 31, 2001 (Paper No. 32).  In response
          to the Examiner’s Answer dated January 2, 2002 (Paper No. 33), a Reply Brief
          was filed March 4, 2002 (Paper No. 34), which was acknowledged and entered by
          the Examiner as indicated in the communication dated March 22, 2002 (Paper No.

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