Ex Parte LAU et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2002-0807                                                        
          Application No.08/672,588                                                   

          Appellants’ arguments set forth in the Briefs along with the                
          Examiner’s rationale in support of the rejection and arguments in           
          rebuttal set forth in the Examiner’s Answer.                                
               It is our view, after consideration of the record before us,                                                                     
          that the evidence relied upon and the level of skill in the                 
          particular art would have suggested to one of ordinary skill in             
          the art the obviousness of the invention as set forth in claims             
          2-7, 9-18, 22-24, and 26-32.  Accordingly, we affirm.                       
               Appellants’ arguments in response to the Examiner’s                    
          obviousness rejection of the appealed claims are organized                  
          according to a suggested grouping of claims indicated at pages 3            
          and 4 of the Brief.  Consistent with this indication, Appellants            
          have presented arguments directed to independent claim 27, which            
          we will consider as the representative claim for all the claims             
          on appeal with the exception of separately argued claim 12 and              
          its dependent claims 13-15.  Accordingly, claims 2-7, 9-11, 16-             
          18, 22-24, 26, and 28-32 will stand or fall with claim 27, and              
          claims 13-15 will stand or fall with claim 12.  Note In re King,            
          801 F.2d 1324, 1325, 231 USPQ 136, 137 (Fed. Cir. 1986); In re              
          Sernaker, 702 F.2d 989, 991, 217 USPQ 1, 3 (Fed. Cir. 1983).                


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