Ex Parte LAU et al - Page 10

          Appeal No. 2002-0807                                                        
          Application No.08/672,588                                                   

          representative claim for Appellants’ suggested grouping including           
          claim 12 and its dependent claims 13-15, we sustain the                     
          obviousness rejection of this claim as well.  We agree with the             
          Examiner (Answer, page 19) that the limitations of claim 12,                
          which extend the features in previously discussed claim 27 to               
          “another processor coupled to the server processor,” are met by             
          the disclosure of Laursen’s distributed client-server computing             
          environment.  Although Appellants reiterate their arguments that            
          the applied prior art does not suggest the claimed pre-defined              
          generic program nor the illusion of the apparent execution of a             
          server program at the client processor, we find such arguments              
          unpersuasive for all of the reason discussed supra.                         
               In summary, we have sustained the Examiner’s 35 U.S.C.                 
          § 103(a) rejection of all of the claims on appeal.  Therefore,              
          the decision of the Examiner rejecting claims 2-7, 9-18, 22-24,             
          and 26-32 is affirmed.                                                      


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