Ex Parte LAU et al - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2002-0807                                                        
          Application No.08/672,588                                                   

          and accepted meaning of the language “pre-defined generic                   
          program.”  Further, contrary to Appellants’ contention (Reply               
          Brief, page 7), Crawford describes the second processor executing           
          a plurality of instructions “...as a result of the communicated             
          state corresponding to the media portion of the application                 
          running on the first processor” as claimed.  (Crawford, column 6,           
          line 61 through column 7, line 3; Appendix C).                              
               Further, we find to be unpersuasive Appellants’ arguments              
          (Reply Brief, pages 4-6) which attack the Examiner’s                        
          establishment of proper motivation for the proposed combination             
          of references.  Appellants initially contend (id., at 5) that               
          there is “... little evident benefit to Crawford in using the               
          network management scheme put forth by Laursen.”  Appellants                
          further assert (id., at 6) that the implementation of the                   
          application instruction interception of Fin in the system of                
          Crawford would be extremely difficult.  In a related argument,              
          Appellants contend that, since the redirected code in Crawford is           
          not executed directly, there would be no benefit to add the                 
          redirection scheme of Fin.                                                  
               It is apparent to us, however, from the line of reasoning              
          expressed in the Answer that the Examiner is not suggesting the             
          bodily incorporation of Laursen’s network management system and             

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