Ex Parte YAMAMOTO et al - Page 1

               The opinion in support of the decision being entered                   
               today was not written for publication in a law journal                 
               and is not binding precedent of the Board.                             
                                                               Paper No. 19           

                      UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                       
                         BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                           
                                  AND INTERFERENCES                                   
                      Ex parte KAZUHIKO YAMAMOTO and YUZO AKADA                       
                                Appeal No. 2003-0385                                  
                             Application No. 09/348,344                               
                                      ON BRIEF                                        
          Before KIMLIN, LIEBERMAN and DELMENDO, Administrative Patent                
          KIMLIN, Administrative Patent Judge.                                        

                                 DECISION ON APPEAL                                   
               This is an appeal from the final rejection of claim 1.                 
          Claims 5-8 have been allowed by the examiner.  Claim 1 is                   
          reproduced below:                                                           
               1.  A hot-melt sheet for holding and protecting                        
          semiconductor wafers during processing, the sheet comprising                
               a hot-melt layer A having a melting point of 105°C or lower;           
               a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer B formed on one surface            
          of said hot-melt layer A; and                                               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007