Ex Parte YAMAMOTO et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2003-0385                                                        
          Application No. 09/348,344                                                  

               Appellants maintain that assuming the polyethylene layer of            
          Ishiwata corresponds to the claimed reinforcing layer C, "there             
          is no disclosure or suggestion of the melting point of the                  
          reinforcing layer being 20°C or higher than that of the hot-melt            
          layer as presently claimed" (sentence bridging pages 4 and 5 of             
          principal brief).  We concur with the examiner, however, that               
          inasmuch as the EVA and polyethylene layers of Ishiwata                     
          correspond to appellants' disclosed hot-melt layer and                      
          reinforcing layer, respectively, it is reasonable to conclude               
          that the polyethylene layer of Ishiwata has a melting point that            
          is at least 20°C higher than the melting point of the EVA layer.            
          We find this particularly reasonable inasmuch as Ishiwata teaches           
          that the high-density polyethylene layer has a softening point of           
          127°C whereas appellants' hot-melt EVA layer has a melting point            
          of 105°C or lower.  Furthermore, insofar as the examiner                    
          correctly explains that the sheets of Ishiwata and appellants               
          have the same utility, it would have been obvious for one of                
          ordinary skill in the art to select a reinforcing layer that has            
          a higher melting point than the hot-melt layer.                             
               Appellants set forth at page 2 of the Reply Brief that "[i]t           
          is the Examiner's position that EVA at the pressure sensitive               
          adhesive layer side of Ishiwata et al corresponds to the                    


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