Ex Parte YAMAMOTO et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2003-0385                                                        
          Application No. 09/348,344                                                  

          reinforcing layer C of the present invention" (paragraph three).            
          Manifestly, this is not the examiner's position.  The examiner              
          has clearly explained in the Answer that the polyethylene layer             
          of Ishiwata's EXAMPLE 10 corresponds to the claimed reinforcing             
          layer C.                                                                    
               It should be evident from our discussion that we find no               
          merit in appellants' contention that "Ishiwata et al. disclose a            
          two layered structure and do not teach or suggest a third                   
          reinforcing layer as recited in claim 1" (page 3 of Reply Brief,            
          second paragraph).  The article of Ishiwata's EXAMPLE 10                    
          comprises four layers, not two, as argued by appellants.                    
          Specifically, Ishiwata exemplifies an adhesive layer, two EVA               
          layers and a polyethylene layer between the EVA layers.                     
               As a final point, we note that appellants base no argument             
          upon objective evidence of nonobviousness, such as unexpected               
               In conclusion, based on the foregoing and the reasons well-            
          stated by the examiner, the examiner's decision rejecting the               
          appealed claims is affirmed.                                                


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