Ex Parte ZUEHLKE et al - Page 11

          Appeal No. 2003-1570                                                        
          Application 08/748,986                                                      

          V. The 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) rejection of claims 17 through 19, 22             
          through 28 and 30 through 38 as being unpatentable over Rudak in            
          view of Bayer                                                               
               Rudak discloses a method of operating a liftcrane so as to             
          change the inclination of its jib or boom 20.  To this end, the             
          liftcrane includes, inter alia, winding drums 1 and 2, cables 6             
          and 7 having first ends wound on a respective drum and second               
          ends coupled to each other by a loop 5/stop 22, a series of                 
          blocks or pulleys 8 through 13 mounted respectively on the jib              
          and crane substructure and over which the cables run, a series of           
          terminal switches 23 through 27 for sensing movement of the loop            
          5/stop 22, and a mechanism for controlling the operation of the             
          winding drums in response to the sensed movement of the loop                
          5/stop 22 (see pages 3 and 4 in the translation).  As is evident            
          from Figure 1, the movement of the loop 5/stop 22 is indicative             
          of the relative amount by which the first ends of the cables 6              
          and 7 are taken up by the drums 1 and 2.  The mechanism for                 
          controlling the operation of the winding drums in response to the           
          sensed movement of the loop 5/stop 22 by the terminal switches              
          halts operation of the winding drums if switches 24 and 27 are              
          tripped, and includes a manually operated change-over switch 38             
          and push-buttons 37 for moving the loop 5/stop 22 back to its               
          neutral position through rotation of one of the drums.                      


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