Ex Parte EPSTEIN - Page 2

                Appeal No. 2004-0089                                                                                       2                  
                Application No. 09/949,327                                                                                                    

                adequately described in the following illustrative claim.                                                                     
                                                               THE CLAIM                                                                      
                         Claim1 is illustrative of appellant’s invention and is reproduced below:                                             
                                 1.  In combination greeting card and envelope therefor, into which said card                                 
                         is selectively positioned, the improvement comprising: said card having at least one                                 
                         surface having a first area for displaying a message, and a second relatively smaller                                
                         area with a distinctive design positioned upon said second area; said envelope having                                
                         at least one wall having an opening corresponding in location and size to that of said                               
                         second area when said card is positioned within said envelope.                                                       
                                                   THE REFERENCES OF RECORD                                                                   
                As evidence of obviousness, the examiner relies upon the following references:                                                
                Lohnes                                             2,824,394                              Feb.  25, 1958                      
                Luftig                                              3,986,662                               Oct. 19, 1976                     
                Conn                                               4,245,775                               Jan. 20, 1981                      
                                                           THE REJECTIONS                                                                     
                Claims 1 through 4 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. §103(a) as being unpatentable                                               
                over Luftig in view of Lohnes and further in view of Conn.                                                                    
                We have carefully considered all of the arguments advanced by the appellant and the                                           
                examiner and agree with the examiner for the reasons stated in the Answer and the reasons                                     
                herein that the rejection of the claims is well founded.  Accordingly, we affirm both                                         

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