Ex Parte EPSTEIN - Page 5

                Appeal No. 2004-0089                                                                                       5                  
                Application No. 09/949,327                                                                                                    

                the printed matter ands the substrate remains the same, providing a distinctive design or                                     
                visual pattern associated with the letter.  These critical features of the invention are                                      
                disclosed by Luftig to the same extent as that required by the claimed subject matter.                                        
                Accordingly, we sustain the rejection of the examiner under the first theory of rejection.                                    
                         As for the second theory of rejection relying on the Lohnes reference for its                                        
                disclosure of an accordion folded greeting card, we note that a substantial portion of                                        
                greeting cards such as end of calendar year holiday greeting cards is customarily mailed by                                   
                businesses to their customers.  We see no reason why a business would not use the same                                        
                customer base in the same manner as Luftig in issuing holiday greeting cards to their                                         
                customers, either identifying them by number or other distinctive designs in the manner                                       
                disclosed by Luftig and as required by the claimed subject matter.                                                            
                Based upon the above evidentiary findings, we conclude that it would have been                                                
                obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to have utilized the folding accordion greeting                                   
                card of Lohnes to replace the message in the card of Luftig.  Accordingly, we affirm the                                      
                rejections over Luftig in view of Lohnes and further in view of Conn.                                                         
                A discussion of the Conn reference is not needed in reaching our decision.                                                    
                The rejection of claims 1 through 4 under 35 U.S.C. §103(a) as being                                                          
                unpatentable over Luftig in view of Lohnes and further in view of Conn is affirmed.                                           

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