Ex Parte EPSTEIN - Page 3

                Appeal No. 2004-0089                                                                                       3                  
                Application No. 09/949,327                                                                                                    

                As an initial matter, it is the appellant’s position that, “all the claims stand or fall                                      
                together.”  See Brief, page 2.  Accordingly, we select claim 1 as representative of the                                       
                claimed subject matter and limit our consideration thereto.  See 37                                                           
                                                   The Rejection under Section 103                                                            
                The examiner proposes two alternative positions in the rejection of record.  In the                                           
                first position, the only distinction between the primary reference to Luftig is in the term                                   
                “greeting.”  See Answer, page 4.  In an alternative position, the examiner considers it                                       
                obvious to the person having ordinary skill in the art to substitute a greeting card in place                                 
                of the accordion style letter of Luftig.  Id.  We sustain both positions.                                                     
                Luftig is directed to an apparatus directed to a combination of a latter and an                                               
                envelope.  See column 1, lines 4-8.  We find that the combination contains addressee                                          
                information and a control number affixed to a letter.  See column 1, lines 49-52.  We find                                    
                that the envelope and letter combination are so constructed that an attention getting design                                  
                border is contiguous to the control number enclosed within the envelope.  See column 1,                                       
                lines 55-61.  We find that the envelope includes first and second windows.  See column 1,                                     
                line 67 to column 2, line 1.  We find a letter is provided with one area for addressee                                        
                information and a second area containing at least one number and a border area proximate                                      
                to the number.  See column 2, lines 1-7.  Two windows are present in the letter as                                            
                exemplified by numerals 28 for the first window and 30 for the second window.  The                                            

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