Ex Parte EPSTEIN - Page 6

                Appeal No. 2004-0089                                                                                       6                  
                Application No. 09/949,327                                                                                                    

                The decision of the examiner is affirmed.                                                                                     
                No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with this appeal may                                            
                be extended under 37 CFR § 1.136(a).                                                                                          


                BRADLEY R. GARRIS                        )                                                                                    
                                         Administrative Patent Judge                 )                                                        
                                         ) BOARD OF PATENT                                                                                    
                CHARLES F. WARREN                      )        APPEALS                                                                       
                                         Administrative Patent Judge                 )          AND                                           
                                         )   INTERFERENCES                                                                                    
                PAUL LIEBERMAN                           )                                                                                    
                                         Administrative Patent Judge                  )                                                       


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