1020 ILT21 Am) a var. pl. of Rý ,,, rotogravure rounded E" wt, ni'stut, -strit) Cali Lat an on the Mediterranean and in nearby are.., varying in different Having a beakli , ý rwtratw glow FOOCUke Pam Ms. SIT Pounds. r0ai (OuPchl') about on, to in stim) m, pl. or msý (ro, chant W -di -drY4n& -dries. To dry (laundry) OY `V,-tO'gr`x*v`xU`s (U"U-Kra-YYdCr') & [Ut. forn, wheel + cmwa.1 mugh smoothing nut Of monmg. 1 1. A raised platform far public' Speak .. . An intaglio printing Paccaus in which letters and picture, a,, en (rapan) . & . 4 ship's urved beaklike Prowý IS. The Ujusfenred from an etched Copper Cylinder in a web of material, as Came tough ýxud, -erxaa, _,us. To make or beOf 1101rAMIL.] am, decorated with Speak klik prese Prom Of "Pulled t`xthe paper or plastic, in a faury Pyess. L Printed wxtcwj as a newspaper ruish hew (Wya') M -hewed Of -hessas (-by0n`f, -bcvxýOemar (Wean) m [Contraction )Utlike or be. coon. to tiny Section, Produced by rotogravure, L-1 h i--s, 1. H-C 'ro"'ted cafe. ' Ows IL To be.Mg the pink 0, red of, dcc-Y.tcd with, or suggtvc color Of electrical 01 mechanical device 1. A rotating pan If a, 0 make an e 9 Umber) roughly, without finishing. cal f a ul airfoils, as that of a hchcop' I An assembly of winning im - naush-la rough farm hY glow A. Marked by optimism I UzOn- O'Cise (rafl., .3 rotor shiP m A shi an. -V. housed, h ') tz Rowdy, boisterous play or behavior. n. -M To ' 'mx*ixx&-hxvU-ý vi To operated b P Propelled by on, a, me UH cylindrical rown treat or handle roughly mu- engage in roughhouse. y wind power ecaugh"til-lied hawk (Uff,4 in has ine"U'& ri [ME mUn < OF ron ,-to-tiu (oytýtfl') dark I j7d) a A hawk, Bar,, lagopma with "Imal, CSP Organic dcc.mNai, am] -If ordamaged because of decity 3 T am : DECA ROT(Xx13a.ERj To turat "di"d-tild"Mul, -tius [Rack Formation < d over with a rotary plow nwýCxaxsz so -hiwh futhcra covering the legs decay or decom s,. Oc P, Y M, lixi'tar"W'er 06'ýtfl'*r). A trademark far a rotary cuiltivfor. Mughlide in I a L A' Uncouth PexxCM. L A rowdy Of being rotten. of horses ' (oul'itdar) in L A Skilled -dCr Of bull namedimil-ten (rcien) off, [ME mul < ON forimaj t Putrificd Member of the 1 0 nals honses for riding L ItOwdsvidee. A In diseases ma ed by c feakdow, sagirestivit, of decamyfirm IS. Liver fake of decayed I Dim cap an, wh b ýIsa 2- Having - foul ad,, resulting from or Ronst,,ch in h U U & Volunteer Cavalry regiment under Theodore is fungi, bacmri , 0 rate , 4. of 11, Pa"'Una 3- Made unsound or weak by at. arrug hod , 5PQnshAmeri dsC.y of flesh, gimanas m . L Morally Carri DEsjix(aJILJ!. S- Very bad : iviurrý <. ninem Can war. impatience. Sed 1, climate> -mVtcn-IY ad, vM,,nv,,a.as It jeCdhg uh .. (rd"di adr. L Shod with horseshoes hain pro' wheeL] L Chiefly Brit. A roster or too , U ZOU'lade (,RljjdT1U In Prevent slipping, 2- Marked by brutal lorce,mitten boarough m An cfCCtUm district havang only . few vow" P, I t. A Mund or rotaim, Of duties 3 but the same voting power as other More Populous districts L Max. I An carb, n (Fr. < 1 11 all < Oft. ri -We 1101,] Of Prelates that sen, a, an cce Om, rot'tcla'510ne (rinn-stini U. A triable variety of tripon the prod. notes sung as 'M consisting of a rapid ran of several ý--n) tz A member of the Rour IrSa2stfical Conn. uct of decomposed sificcou, linses I -found a filij One 'YUbl, IS, A drum tell. 2. A slice of meat Iollsd ional Service club y Club, a rurt-wel-lear (f6erbr oie Mae, used for polishiO& 49 and Cooked, major WeStern Germany whcm'it wa "'-) m M < Roaxweil City in samth. na"I'le"Ou 0&161) ý1- Wed. Ln imation < Ut dim Of rele, mu < Uat' P1 -1--mar 01 -1--iss 06.') [Fr. < Opt. ei marked by irmad raw Wheel.] Of ck fur nd On face markinga.having a stocky body, shon; bla a M4 brcd I A German breed of dog small will cap If MMI., little wheel, dim. Of lotia, wheel.] 1. A device that loci around an axis, 'a, for piping, cares Wri in paper, Z A foll or fold of ribbonOn, "P. axial rotation 2- A traffic i=d by roundness: ROUNDm tar < Mra. wheel.] L Character _x,,`Wmd1, ad, Z Sonorous 3. Quite plump: xamrsary. I,, tle (rdww) M [Fr. < OFr. < rci dim of Unue, wheel < L Am engine, as a turbine, in which Few m .10WAILA91mbluaggasocin.hichh, 1,ey U (hxL , Ut fem of woundus formal I of a foati disk . wall ban via nary, Falls, as vane. 2 A radial engine wh L A circular ball -1 build .1 P Yers bet on which slot nd a sumMurY c.nkSh.f,. OR ML cap One with dome. 7- A large numn disk Of teraPereals, I Come w rest im 2. A ,all toothed harrow Core with - high ce'lang, as a hot,] ]ebb don, dil or pUm I atlached to a handle and used to Make ram ofim4urad Isting of a series of frecly Coming ro-tuxi (mtdadja) a P, Y I rammsof Plump Z A rommul olnect or PwwwO. Consecutive engraving of on a sheet of postage , as in ,whamg a Series of lims arranged on a revah. -tles' L The sure If being round IUMPý Ishort(r&Wnd') rxrtu-nier sump in a sheet for Incisions Made between individual vaed and (ra minel"', "Yft'-) OF, , mWr4 newly Cdd. "Cuss- To divid CISYtici CU, refund' Separation. _vv -1,,,.ed, -Vcttiý unting press having a cylinder to which Car, commonxr.ý Un raprem- action Of bfýoking; < rompeO., to break. I A ROU're"I'aIi-san (OR"Ca"'Ise Jm -mian'Yan) calf, & n. VOL Of RUý :hat when they r .. Ire they win Print of, ed rou-ble or rut-bl, (msal) It (R. rubl'.) -see Ini (round) adj [ME < Oft. -de < Laf rottandus < raw, !I. Ox rou-ii (Mtýr) = [Fr. < p Pam of Main table at c:uxuua;ý, '0 heeL] L Edfl`dalfeý -spherical. 2. M cary plow. more, to route < raw, beef j ' to break On a wheel < Lat ZDm LtVd, -eat4asi;ý -tates. liat. four, r "use (ILbzh) a [Fr. < A Itch tO 3. Flavin Circular or circular in Cress sec otat- , Off., of red color rMunced with the li Crous man - ý ý 9 a Curved surface or edge: a, Fix, M. on a. axis, 2. To proceed in pink coamen . f g the checks ij 2 1 L A red orof ,da < lit mbew of angular. 4. Pro ýixv que,c,. ma Ps In a founded Shape- S. whole or complete: c rotation. 7. To g:rowal plant (crops) ., Chiefly ferric oxide, used to Of Ps _A reddish powder, Intl ;3L ismit di Having radiating Pam I in Wlsh metals Or glanx -V. vomited fractional. & Not Expressed or dcsiVi as . whole number ., integer: not Cali. WHEEL. LTopwoOUV On. ZTocolorwith rouge' Usual ani &'Bratugh"t MOKINIAn. 7. Considerable large <a -vi TO use rouge as a cosmetic I'L Motion in which the path Of "use et nude (r6bh, A 9. Full US to., I. ,a 0 a Satisfying Completion YanswD. jCCt is a cirxi, or circular are centered Card game Played at , 131c"Ir') U. [Fr., red and black I A gambling 11. Bin ROM. 10. Brisk: byly <a -- ad jogging Pat,> IS In th - a diamond-shaped spots no Marked with two red oil two black force: UNIESIA]w or : Ounslok" <a round UpUri IZ Done with fail i P e art n ro which bets are Placed D <3 word spanking> -- 1. The State of N. Ing round. Z , soadife, as a calck, 111bl, disk, -1 fim, Iha, a c'e 'Cuts 'I. _yL ' d- &him> 3. Marked by vialim, Motion - TWURJIJJý <rough ,x,> Shx-k and th 'a- the Pan Of the thigh between asa. uneven round b- A rounded or curved in n ' Cycle .1 Su 1 -0 '_ýnmýxw- bumpy surface. L Coi or shaggy w the much <a rough ci On a ladder. 4. A cut of beef f 'in 01 Pan. 3. A rang -1 Crossbar, Is io.ngali' diilactrut.c. of CO`UdaUU` asex 4.Severely inclement I S UOUP S. A gathering thefired 3U.fMm quential variant. ý . iýistr at If atConsisting of a. an-- u on aof a rough (Indf) df. "r`- -eaL IME < OE rdh I L Having & Not geode of Careful : WOLEriT <w mus. unnaly, or vowdy Can a circle or about a axis of People: GROU,. 6. MOC., I. Of, relating in, savage. & Bud, - Ugh toutai 7. Bewj I Course, Succession 1 7. A round dance. &A complete or occurring in SIC causm& 01 Marked by - uncouth 9- InfOý l T I Of Sen,, clasion or alun. dure or do I D,,w,,mT. 10. Hand, w* IYU39 of unpleasant to en- owasaft. A course of canomax<- mud of 9 , often no, nd> 1 us,, t<he U, or Prescribed duties acu.. or L Harsh or Sharp W the UT <2 rough , ser-ping Place. 10. A Complete extent or tang. IL One drink tti )nc than u,,. II.Lacking finesse or Polish rough, a.m. I h 13. Being -an rare me> 2 group IL A Single uhmr C Person 4 natural one < of cheering or applause 13. s. A acecdmg at meaning I. ltorrý,mm`or Sec. Sketch> 1S. Requiring physical strength rather than inte W. li-Ulet) aah. 1. Of muting in Can . VMS> 14.Not completed, perfected, or tough saree Shot Of "BlY. IS. Ammunition fox a Single he, 14 A roundedIng, or fully detailed <a S cc of bread. IS. A Specified Umber of amom Shot froý a Specified since <-Ugh labor> -11. 1. Rugged overgrown ground. 2- The Pan of a 3 disunite to a orget"i archery 16. Am interval of Puy Memorization using routine M golf course left immowed and Uncultivated Pam that mcularx a Specific in g-racs and repetition 3. A rough, iftsimiar or Playi, Or allows each pl,,c, , da`ý-s, CO-Pli's a certain number of asion <Students learning by ran> difficult Pa. or Suite 4'S'mttWR9 hastily worked out a, u .17. max A composition for W. al repcidon a, routine idsid. S. A crude ill-mannered person I at,,X - An Or Marc VOIC" in which each voice 'Mers at a different time with :.ad o4l The samild of Old breaking I sawili rowths. L To mak -n Mi the Same Melody -I. rameded foundUS& maxd& _W 1. TO lently: KAm,,,,,MU r rough. 2. To Meat roughly or viý make round. L To pronounce with rounded Ups : of Germanic 'rig.] A Ui stringed <Mughad UP 'he Prisoner> 3. To indicate or Make Plump : mil, Ow. 4. To bring 3. To Prepare in a rough or unfinished form <Mugh out a building plan> express x: - rowid number 6. To make . complete tionn, of 7'T. m If Alten. derris + ý141ý1 A white , In a rough way 'W the re-SIL Us a Crude or Unfinished otakc a Win about or to th . sure rough It To do without the usual Conveniences and Co.- C other side of <Umaded , U, JI1icxtUCt1d from the rams of derris and forn<xmicbed It fox three dxYs in the woo&> bighw-Y> & To surnmad: encompass. 9. T e in the tic de -strashly dv- -roush,,Ses. -. aw.r m Cecil in a Circular course _ - 1 0 move or Cause to Pro TO yiý To become .,ad. 2.Ta take a Inferior liquor. age (rifflOn. Th",66y'llcoxisce dig"tiblepmofc,,. circular course. 3, To turn about, -as on axaEma: REVEME 4 To k NUt. Roofer, phylum tain foods oil fodder that connam ceflul US come filled out, curved Or Plump. SU.IT'o cdorce tomgmthl r : d Stimulate Pcritfflic,. fiction. -forand up. i To Seek I P etion or Per. "note mulaccifular aqu =me < far. ona. roush.autud-rinad-y (rapon-Uýde) adimue " Around. atic organisms of tive. Rough and crude, yet e 2-.TupheLfdAicamhe). L together flow various places. efir at the Soren., end . ficellike mg of rough-sumd-tearra-ble (OlPon-unin'bal) Calf. Marked by roughness otrr <pbras that Vow found the ya,> From the beginning to the end of -ýýOUGH Idi.sn'tifecess off. and disregard for Miss or Order <1 marh-and-racuble fight> _Ux the va"d. L With [Lat, ta, wheel + -itnuis.] Shaped rough b"athing a L An aspirate Sound in Greek like chat of the stage in the center of the audience. L MY shaped So a to stand the letter h in English. 2. The mark (') placed over initial saunds in free of a background <2 surce I. the -and> -remand've. C. round, (round) M veresid-ed, xmxxd4u,,, munds, [ME rounden ,as Mr.,, _ýOixa cwcý A b up or re CmI A cý -g<d eq. - p If -ý a Surfaces, L A rough preliminary model M -esst, -esst-ini closefitting short jackt. ZCh,,flUS`norn Greek to indicate a preceding aspirate < OE rdmistal Anclude. To whipe, I. 0 6 Off mi < rOugh-CMust (nlf'kist') Cz 1. A cci plaster used for Outside wall roxxxid-a-bout (round'ahour) ad). Gremmus: indirecir. -11 L A unitorder Cd -eases, L To plaster (e.g., a wall) with roughcast. L To shape or 3. Chiefly Brit A traffic circle Y rat. A averrygtiround. of weight used I, Countries border Work MW 2 tough Of preliminary form. -MwdS,.t,.x a IrMand C111111 Is. ne quahog. natuand dsixice m L A folk dance performed with the dancers ither apet fbe b.whih [Pit d6b(Ma minor thtlaus th ra.Vdin-CircIeýLAbllwmi inwhicbcouPlesPrmeedin this Ocut Ortlarge Yy-mun - circular direction around the Ux Ce Oe 6 paw, for It noise 66 M*k YQ .1ma, di vision a about, item, edible, gallcip, circus romiumd-ed (romidid) COB. L Shaped in a circle or sphere. L POO, s-- __ -Page: Previous 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007