stationary wave 0 steal Ic% :tationary wave n. A standing ýM stanch, -see I. Film and ly 0ration break a A panic in a broadcast program to allow for strong construction Or constivition mdfa":identification of the network or statiocý it;tiddfin -ý'(q "ve Stealth. chi (st6ruh, stinch) v. var. of Stil-tion-er (sti'sha-rar) a [ME sWcimmer < Med. lan. nation- The -Tocommonly $Palled staunch. but be Verb farm adaýký vitblut The an- shopkeLpe. ý stati.. shop e Lat, nation I L A seller of Its spalk N Pitchd =rich. _aunachly adv -icausuch'. - ýO b"c) -Vi A publisher. b. A bookseller. ata-tion-evy (ra'shi-seed) M I.Writiag paper and envelopes, black mineral, chi Is e. '02 f 'reaficig:stairrit-lilte [F, STMO, task "'Y 0 lbuily THk- imam, DY ", 0 gain -at, 1. writing I typing materials Cily 'cA4Si2Ow(OH),, Often c"41 A Ppl A " Thing in, station houtwe n. 1. A police station. L A fire station grown crYstals, occas, used as a gem. " u 'oth l" ýA Me (ME station"o'"t't" (stishin-mis'tar) M Ast official in charge of a stave (nAv) a [Rick farriation < stav, folbrit'sT, I ; 00 Teich) a railroad I I strip of wood finance Pan Of the sides of I of (5 'jinne5o t.ticatis of I or rab. 2. A coug Of . ladder or chair c Qýthe Craoss PLO. L A devad, I v (It _ý 2- FO dlhe) a tation before each of the insage, or reprise is that consists of onedi- S. A set of verial: _v sea 4 "ýxh.y ad, -at. church to To nuations set up usa. in a . v ' [*ME stmusemorate 14 events in the passion of lasim. L The 14 witavea. -vt. I. To break in or punc a 00"A"bas) Is strages representing the ever, of he psmom of Christ c shous Smash . hole in, 3. To (IT Is The aaý - 1 as wagon n. ý automobile having an evended interior, cumhadm._a v..,, okeeplolw, , Ir r.Fcr`-aFt'rthirdM or luggage platform, and a tailpt, 5 ves-a(st=ft) attvaaplaa later ýy b. En Staqis-tic (sto-t1i't[k) a [Back formation < ,A,m,ncs.J L A nu. P agrin < Girl d ram at I ,To Pr covered merical danum. L AxI cauxuate of a palatial, a, of the Population a of southern Europe, can put. It e ,iltd To Fiction, mean or s.runca, obtained from a simple, 3. ý .,do. variable that a acedsofthestavesiocraft, ally a I via" TOO' k takes an the thanictenstics Of . statistic ys (Sta) v, losied, as iafo as a con 1 A b stia-tisti-cal (sta-di'd-M) adf Of, retating to, or using statistics or exce, to stop < Lat. June, a Y44 but diag; 'quIPPr the principles of stations. -axx'ti8'11,xsa-Iy adv. place or condition <= a a *cO d rit 0, u", gýclarbu so AhighlI oil] mitatwis-ti-cian (stitlitfsh'an) a LA specialist in statistics, subject> L To smourn as a an or I gel bee elowe L One who compiles of statistical dica -ou.tYh.u.>3.ToItop a (It A el sta-tis-tica (statIsItIks) n. CC. Swti'tik plitical science < Nlas. hold On:EIvOuM. 6.Tokeepup ina*r c,0' aot:, 4ý4 b"'C" statisticus, of a ff-irs < Lat status sta'te. -,,, sTATi.1 L (sing. in poker without raising it _n L 1! ,AM dal Pses"'o'* in ... be,). The mathematics of th,'collection, organization, and postpone: delay. 3. To delay or stop Cc c 0 t: It Fit 0 da"ve N A.late - I , fýý cbe "ý from t interpretation of numerical data. Z (pi in counber). A collection of legal action or mandate. 4L To so f (it, seat, '05we states- Pref. [< Gk_ smuss. standing, plced.1 I. Resting: remaining fuld : t per closed C' ,,,I) n.numerical daul. at wi snack> S. Obs. To wat I: A ,Isorized Stai'de, is dr L a act of coming , 'd <stmoblast> Z Equilibrium: balance <,mrySt> reside a, d 3 eitat-o-blast (stlea-blan) n. AD IMCMAY produced encapsulated <a a anon n> a ant a I Olson is steam"a c i .4. Suspension a, a b -if is, bud of a freshwater bryozoon from which new individuals develop Syrtis: My, SoJoUm", MIT V. me in - N "hing , A blan after the parent Colony has disintegrated guest or lodger <staud with friends> sa #tCw dark chairs stat-ci-cYst (stilex-SISO n. A small organ of balance in many inear stay: (at!) IT, 11"Yed, .'M [OF, " xg in cirnk n. A tebines, consisting of a fluid filled me containing statoliths that help estai , - support, of armanin afig.] L To "a se 0"Le"t" sta..,hiP cabi stat-0-lith (stiel fth') a A armll movable concretion of calcium 1. A support : brace. 2- A strip of bone issue I AT,,,rest of fix " in all. Itesso d repair of carbonate found in statcays". stiffen a proment. 3. atoiys. A consit p , I ,a song systems stax-tor (sti'mr) a [Lat., one that stands < status, P.Part of store, to Stayl (inl) rlý [ME < OE nog I L A I firstsund-1 The stationary pan of a machine, Such as 2 motor, dynamo, . brace or Iuppmt far . mast or Ip.,. L A P, heavy lope a, cxý AtImIld I is pi d to is, or =hire, about which a lot tunis. something -v. t.y.d, ca,qa,, u tape used 0 1 bo a kn iron Stat'()ýScCrpe (suit'a-skop') n. L A barometer for recording small stly. 2 To Put (2 ship) on the OPPOSLte L T, bo, I* It"To he articlea Iron a that changes in an airplane's altirodc. stay-in strike a A job sio.. tha d with avariations in atmospheric pressure. 7 A device for indicating small staYing Power .. Stairma '. amimanCa"ek _n Ttaxia`% It,,.ro heavy n,,, on I.Jer also st stat-u-" (stach'66-fee)rs, pl. -lea. [Partly < lat. accounria, art.f down a, work at. '4ýwppxPp"ge by employers who "nars" 4, 4 too, "mtible force making itimes, and Partly < Lat. atemarfiris, sculptor, both < stam- place. rons IT -1 in evil with a 6`z 4 " ah or On., of scame < stoma, statue.] 1. Starnes collectively. L A ITuIp- stILY'Sail fitVS01, all') n. Nain A trunindir sol b",,' Cis, fmca -1 To TionI a tor. 3. The an of coaking names. St. Hevisard (sine bar-mrd') ziý -SeC SrAlTrTE-l A form or likeness sculpted, modeled, carved, or <my friend went to the in Testat-ise (suicledb) n. (ME < OFT. < Lat. stanis < accoutre, to act up. stead (sted) a [ME stede < OE] The pl, o",The &im 8, d hip (,tem'shli .It in material such as stone, clay, wood ' or bronze. stead-ina, stsoads. To be of adva axI. shovel n. A Itacting In Toy ,,I> ciev 'doýrnor Pont, 4 11,niý wrawx at P sUt-u esque (suAcb6besk') adi. Like magem:nIv,a stame, esp. in sica, grace, stead-fast also sted-fast fit6dF1 "ble a. A ub or dignItY:STATELY. -avat'isesquely adv season Stiat'si-ette (stlahiRee) n. A small iumc+ Ing : ý Yý L Firmly loyal or comexaL ",am surbitic n. h AOE stedifan smile. place + fast, fired, fail) L F, -f2a) ad,. (Mido- "p, stat-ure (sUcb'.I) a (ME < OFT. < Lat. statura < status, P.Part. of ýst.stdl'fastneaa; n. laaadý; ý1. ezed against or I ro"acks ,rare. tostand.] I.Tlerulturallicightof a human minimal bcalyin stead-y (sterl't) adj. ivr Fýst 1. Film ,amm.y (steme) di. an upright position. L A level achieved : SrAMý Eu. 2- Direct and unfalte' m point. exi, - ,ara, kitchen> 2 stat-us (swto, sueas) a (Lat., condition, ppart of care, to stand.] quality, or pace <. slow, mum . taý _dv lesson "asring : 5ý 3. con 3 The 3 steady not> 4. Not audy,,,, 2, 'In) som, by steam or legal character or condition of a Persia or thing <the status <rteady nerves> S. Reliable: dependable wwsin (ste-1P of a minor> L A stage of progress or development. 3. it. Relative :%BER -V. sitea ad steadýý& -ý'deid 6., rkcJb,,:,,i '""catic juice position in a ranked group or in a social system <the high status of or become steady. yet ....dies, vTA 1. 7,, onds I.J. physicians> 1b. larly ex _n' Pl. -ias, shiagý The (std'ýTle' st High relative Position <a job with am=> 4. A and clusivelY. cý -iii, at .nc acid. State Of affairs: SITLIATION. ... a (Ite-lelk, stil stst-tim; quo (sti'vas kwo' stleas) n [Lat., state in which.] The steady state a, A stable condition that d hazitaes, relating To, existing condition: sTATE o; ý.sras. or in which change in one direction is "o'"no."UT hzýaa' itaric acid .. A or siouili status word n. A computer storage location which provides data change in another. CHOCH.),.COOH, ircto in restore an interrupted program, stead-y-state theory (stEd'eue) L A comokci sia taqi. (,war-lit, stir stat-u-ta-ble (sulcleata.bal) adi. 1. Emactid, regulated, or autho, that assumes that the lingscale view of the univere a vaas wlý.floa, Marius, =it rind by Statute : STATUTORY. L Legally punishable : recognized by of the position of the observer in space and time and ststute, <a soltutable ofiensi> sio. of the umvem' required mi other ground, r=;ause, ýon, L Stratic acid. 3 Thntxý, used I stsit-itte (stich'at) a [ME c OF, arturlit < LLat. stantrom < far,, by the continuous creation of inown ate-s-rcp-tene (ste'i stannum, pýparn of statuare. to set up < status. p.part of sore. to steak (sak) n. (ME staylo, < ON itaLk ] I A pass d nýa, 3 T-he rtion of stand.] L A law cut d by the legislative assembly of ion or beef, typically cut in a thick ifice across the mustle In 2 L h it c,,T,11N state. Z A dune or edict 3. &TI esuhhshcd law or role, esp. at a slice of a large fish cut acmis the body 3' A ploy it Is -4 ilia solid o corporation. that has been prepared like a sink z, A exassm statute law u. A law established by legislative enactment, steak house m A Truxurant speciahuing in beefood eia, ..A laa.Lum, -sta'.. StatUte smile . sane 1ý steak knife is A ublc knife with a Ilu'p, .. saerjw :tastýfnf. [Gk. < at statrite of lianitations .. Law. A sunite selling a time limit steak taxýtsme (tarde) a (ý K + F'. tanam. Final Aai' t.-.qo -Ysis (ate'a-, an legal action in certain casas. mw ground beef mixed with onion, sessmic, ad 11ý stavxrtoýy (sUch'ýOee, -Wi!) adi. L Of Or relating TO IS Poir To essmailation. L Enacted, regula led, or authorized by stamte (ME stairs, < OF siclu.] -vi. L To Take2 staratt. steal (Itel) , tol. (still, xa,tera fcolm, st.,uiss aa' ttasitcýpys+xx (ste, statutory offerste a A legal offenic declared by itatute. without right or permussion. 2- To M .1 loo-TiPlub I pfjlk, -prilk),(the P-Pur 1 aoc' nail I Excessive 2CCUT statutory rape n. Sucal intercourse with a girl who has not ruched the statutory age of consent. stiminchl (stench, starch) also starach (vanch stinch) adi. ýr, APTIT IPWY licarre ifathe, ep.T 2la h.,ka 's'-Or u..t tht -e.t. [ME suounchr, w2tirright < OFT. catinche < aussuchier, to I tie fs piar 6 par 6 We 6 Pass, far as "Is 'buis, sh visimi 7"Page: Previous 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007