Ex Parte GARG et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2000-0119                                                        
          Application 08/785,711                                                      

          other claim remaining in the application, has been identified by            
          the examiner as containing allowable subject matter and is                  
          indicated to be allowable if rewritten in independent form                  
          including all the limitations of the base claim and any                     
          intervening claims.  Claims 1 through 7 and 12 have been                    

                    Appellants’ invention is directed to a process for                
          the production of fragmented ceramic that is comminuted via an              
          explosive expansion of a fluid (e.g., liquid nitrogen) impreg-              
          nated into the pores of the ceramic material.  More particularly,           
          on page 2 of the specification, appellants describe a preferred             
          process as comprising                                                       
                    immersing a porous ceramic material in a                          
                    liquid that is gaseous at normal temperatures                     
                    and pressures for a time sufficient for the                       
                    pores of the ceramic material to be at least                      
                    partially occupied by the liquid, then                            
                    removing the particles from the liquid and                        
                    then rapidly exposing them to conditions of                       
                    temperature and/or pressure at which the                          
                    liquid is a gas.  This generates the required                     
                    internal pressures essentially instanta-                          
                    neously and causes fragmentation of the                           


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Last modified: November 3, 2007