Ex Parte GARG et al - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2000-0119                                                        
          Application 08/785,711                                                      

          mentioned above, we note that this patent also specifically                 
          discloses a process for fragmentation of “construction materials,           
          e.g., concrete, wall board, timber and other materials which are            
          porous” (col. 3, lines 28-31).  In this process the porous                  
          construction materials are impregnated with a fluid (e.g., water)           
          such that the pores of the material are at least partially                  
          occupied by the fluid, and subjected to a heating step in a                 
          pressure vessel whereby a suitable temperature and pressure are             
          achieved such that the moisture or liquid carried in the pores              
          will rapidly turn to steam or vapor when the pressure in the                
          vessel is rapidly reduced by quickly opening an unloading means             
          at the bottom of the pressure vessel.  The sudden release of                
          pressure causes the moisture in the pores of the construction               
          material to change to steam and a certain portion of the liquid             
          in the material to flash to vapor in accordance with thermo-                
          dynamic laws, thereby resulting in a rapid expansion within                 
          the porous material that will rupture the material into tiny                
          fragments.  Grube notes (col. 6, lines 12-14) that by fragmenting           
          the more porous elements, the resulting comminuted construction             


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