Ex Parte GARG et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2000-0119                                                        
          Application 08/785,711                                                      

          fineness of comminution are of paramount importance to Rosinski             
          and that any modification of his process should do nothing to               
          compromise those objectives.  Looking to Grube, appellants                  
          contend that this patent is directed to very crude operations,              
          like municipal waste fragmentation and mold core removal from               
          castings, that are very different from the demanding process                
          concerns of Rosinski where extremely finely divided colloidal               
          sized fragmentation particles are desired.  Based on the crude              
          nature and scale of the fragmentation process taught in Grube,              
          appellants contend that one of ordinary skill in the art would              
          not have been motivated to look to such a reference if seeking              
          to improve upon Rosinski’s process.                                         

                    Having carefully reviewed the collective teachings of             
          Rosinski and Grube, we find ourselves in agreement with appel-              
          lants’ view that there is no motivation or suggestion in the                
          applied references for attempting to combine crude mold core                
          removal and municipal waste fragmentation teachings like those of           
          Grube with the much more controlled and precise fragmentation               
          process of Rosinski where it is important that the fragmentation            


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