Ex Parte BUECHLER et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2003-2049                                                        
          Application 09/003,090                                                      

               an encoded label disposed on the assay device to provide               
          encoded sample information relating to the sample carried in the            
          assay device;                                                               
               an encoder reader for reading the encoded label;                       
               drive electronics for positioning the assay device, with               
          respect to the optical energy source and the optical energy                 
          detector, so that at least one of a plurality of assay zones                
          within the sample can be tested;                                            
               a processor for controlling the operation of the test in               
          accordance with test instructions and for processing the emitted            
          energy detected from a given zone or plurality of zones in order            
          to determine test results;                                                  
               a ROM chip socket for accepting at least one of a plurality            
          of ROM chips;                                                               
               at least one ROM chip for insertion into the ROM chip                  
          socket, that stores information related to at least one of:                 
          instrument specific operational software for one or more tests;             
          test specific evaluation curves; control solution; calibrator               
          solution; the accessibility of a user to change fluorometer                 
          parameters; and expected values measured by a QC simulator; and             
               a bi-directional communications interface for transferring             
          test information between the fluorometer and an external entity.            
               The references relied on by the Examiner are as follows:               
          Betts et al. (Betts)               3,907,503      Sept. 23, 1975            
               White et al. (White)          5,366,609      Nov.  22, 1994            
               Yamauchi                      5,730,124      Mar.  24, 1998            
          Willard et al. (Willard), Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Sixth           
          Edition (Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, CA 1981),                   
          p. 111.                                                                     


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