Ex Parte BUECHLER et al - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2003-2049                                                        
          Application 09/003,090                                                      

          substances to be detected in the test fluid; (2) a carrier member           
          for the test reagent or reagents; and (3) a code means which                
          identifies the particular test device.  See Betts, column 2,                
          lines 23 through 31.  The test reagent is a dry chemical which              
          reacts with the test fluid to give a detectable chemical                    
          response.  This response may be spectral, ultraviolet or infrared           
          radiant energy. See column 2, lines 32 through 55.  The carrier             
          member is a strip of transparent plastic to hold individual paper           
          matrices into or onto which the test reagents are impregnated.              
          See column 2, line 57, to column 3, line 6.  The code means is a            
          distinctive indicia on the carrier member which communicates to             
          the test device the particular test reagent on the carrier means            
          and what particular test should be performed.  See column 3,                
          lines 24 through 68.  Thus, Betts teaches a code means having               
          information not directed to the sample but directed to what                 
          reagents are present on the carrier strip and what tests are to             
          be performed that are dependent upon the reagents.  Therefore, we           
          fail to find that Betts teaches an encoded label disposed on the            
          assay device to provide encoded sample information related to the           
          sample carried in the assay device, as recited in Appellants’               


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