Ex Parte Vilacha Zanoni et al - Page 2

             Appeal No. 2004-0187                                                          Page 2              
             Application No. 09/745,098                                                                        

                   The appellants’ invention relates to a crown closure for a bottle.  An                      
             understanding of the invention can be derived from a reading of exemplary claim 1,                
             which has been reproduced below.                                                                  
                   The prior art references of record relied upon by the examiner in rejecting the             
             appealed claims are:                                                                              
             Ferngren                               2,099,056                 Nov. 16, 1937                    
             Myer                                   3,497,098                 Feb. 24, 1970                    
             Leenaards et al. (Leenaards)           3,827,594                 Aug.   6, 1974                   
                   Claims 1-12 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by                 
                   Claim 13 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over                
             Leenaards in view of Ferngren.                                                                    
                   Claims 14-16 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable                  
             over Leenaards in view of Myer.                                                                   
                   Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and               
             the appellants regarding the above-noted rejections, we make reference to the Answer              
             (Paper No. 13) and the final rejection (Paper No. 8) for the examiner's complete                  
             reasoning in support of the rejections, and to the Amended Brief (Paper No. 12) and               
             Reply Brief (Paper No. 14) for the appellants’ arguments thereagainst.                            

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