Ex Parte Vilacha Zanoni et al - Page 7

                 Appeal No. 2004-0187                                                                                  Page 7                     
                 Application No. 09/745,098                                                                                                       

                 the art to form crown closures by means of a punch press operation, a process which                                              
                 necessarily would include the use of blanks.  We therefore agree with the examiner that                                          
                 one of ordinary skill in the art would have sufficient skill to appreciate that the                                              
                 Leenaards blanks also could be formed by the process disclosed by Myer, considering                                              
                 that in an obviousness assessment skill is presumed on the part of the artisan, rather                                           
                 than the lack thereof.  In re Sovish, 769 F.2d 738, 743, 226 USPQ 771, 774 (Fed. Cir.                                            
                 1985).  Thus, we are not persuaded by the appellants’ arguments that there is no                                                 
                 suggestion to combine these references.                                                                                          
                         With regard to the dimensions of the blanks used to create the crown closure,                                            
                 Leenaards discloses finished crown closures having a skirt diameter within the range of                                          
                 20-40 mm, but does not disclose the diameter of the blanks from which they are                                                   
                 produced, specifically, no teaching of utilizing blanks having a diameter of “about 1.4                                          
                 inches (35.5 mm),” as is required by claim 14.  The examiner has concluded that this                                             
                 feature would have been obvious in view of the teachings of Leenaards.  The only                                                 
                 argument set forth by the appellants with regard to the diameter of the blanks is that                                           
                 neither reference specifically discloses or teaches a crown closure blank of the claimed                                         
                 diameter, and therefore the obviousness rejection cannot stand (Amended Brief, page                                              
                 7).  However, while this argument might be applicable in the case of an anticipation                                             
                 rejection 35 U.S.C. § 102, the rejection before us is one of obviousness under                                                   

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