Ex Parte Vilacha Zanoni et al - Page 6

                 Appeal No. 2004-0187                                                                                  Page 6                     
                 Application No. 09/745,098                                                                                                       

                 evaluating Leenaards in the light of Section 103 does not cause us to depart from our                                            
                 opinion that this reference fails to disclose or teach that the curved portion of the crown                                      
                 be adapted to be the same shape as the contour of the mouth of the bottle.  Notably,                                             
                 the examiner has not contended that Ferngren overcomes this shortcoming.  Thus, we                                               
                 are left to conclude that the combined teachings of Leenaards and Ferngren fail to                                               
                 establish a prima facie case of obviousness with regard to the subject matter recited in                                         
                 claim 7, from which claim 13 depends, and we will not sustain this rejection.                                                    
                         Claims 14-16 stand rejected as being unpatentable over Leenaards in view of                                              
                 Myer.  Claim 14 is directed to a method of producing crown closures which comprises                                              
                 the steps of providing a die press, providing metal sheets which may be die pressed                                              
                 into crown closures, using the die press to form blanks having a diameter of about 1.4                                           
                 inches (35.5 mm), and using the die press to form crown closures using the blanks.                                               
                 The examiner asserts that Leenaards discloses all of the subject matter recited in                                               
                 independent claim 14 except for the method of forming the crown closures from metal                                              
                 sheets by the use of a die press.  However, it is the examiner’s opinion that it would                                           
                 have been obvious to do so in view of the teachings of Myer.                                                                     
                         Leenaards is silent as to how the crown closures disclosed therein are formed.                                           
                 Myer discloses crown closures for bottles, and teaches forming them by “conventional                                             
                 single cycle operation of a punch press” (column 2, lines 69-71).  Thus, it is our view                                          
                 that Myer provides evidence that at the time of the appellants’ invention it was known in                                        

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