Ex Parte Vilacha Zanoni et al - Page 8

                 Appeal No. 2004-0187                                                                                  Page 8                     
                 Application No. 09/745,098                                                                                                       

                 35 U.S.C. § 103, and the appellants have not explained why the selection of such a                                               
                 blank size would not have been obvious to the artisan, especially in view of the range of                                        
                 skirt diameters disclosed by Leenaards.  The examiner’s position thus is uncontroverted                                          
                 on the record.                                                                                                                   
                         It therefore is our conclusion that the combined teachings of Leenaards and                                              
                 Myer establish a prima facie case of obviousness with regard to the subject matter                                               
                 recited in claim 14, which has not been persuasively rebutted by the appellants.  The                                            
                 rejection of claim 14 is sustained.  Moreover, since the appellants have elected to group                                        
                 dependent claims 15 and 16 with claim 14 (Amended Brief, page 3), the rejection of                                               
                 claims 15 and 16 also is sustained.                                                                                              
                         The rejection of claims 1-12 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by                                            
                 Leenaards is not sustained.                                                                                                      
                         The rejection of claim 13 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable                                                 
                 Leenaards in view of Ferngren is not sustained.                                                                                  
                         The rejection of claims 14-16 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable                                             
                 Leenaards in view of Myer is sustained.                                                                                          
                         The decision of the examiner is affirmed-in-part.                                                                        

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