Ex Parte LUSSIER - Page 2

              Appeal No. 2004-1280                                                                  Page 2                 
              Application No. 09/630,938                                                                                   

              difficulty and expense of trying to provide these properties in a traditionally molded                       
              outsole” (specification, page 2).  A copy of the claims under appeal is set forth in the                     
              appendix to the appellant’s brief.                                                                           
                     The examiner relied upon the following prior art references in rejecting the                          
              appealed claims:                                                                                             
              Thomas                              444,735                      Jan. 13, 1891                               
              Trolle                              1,141,889                    Jun.   1, 1915                              
              Lorenzi et al. (Lorenzi)            1,684,676                    Sep. 18, 1928                               
              Cameron                             3,739,497                    Jun.  19, 1973                              
              Crowley                             4,393,604                    Jul.   19, 1983                             
              Tong et al. (Tong)                  5,185,943                    Feb. 16, 1993                               
              Barre et al. (Barre)                5,473,827                    Dec. 12, 1995                               
              Barma et al. (Barma)                5,546,680                    Aug. 20, 1996                               
              Giese et al. (Giese)                5,572,805                    Nov. 12, 1996                               
              Kendall                             5,713,143                    Feb.   3, 1998                              
              Brown                               D446,917                     Aug. 28, 2001                               
                                                                        (filed Apr. 26, 2000)                              

                     The following rejections are before us for review.                                                    
                     Claims 26, 29 and 30 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being                                 
              anticipated by Crowley.                                                                                      
                     Claims 1, 4-9, 19-21, 26-29 and 35 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as                         
              being anticipated by Tong.                                                                                   
                     Claims 26 and 29-31 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                                     
              unpatentable over Trolle in view of Barma.                                                                   

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