Ex Parte LUSSIER - Page 14

              Appeal No. 2004-1280                                                                 Page 14                 
              Application No. 09/630,938                                                                                   

              being unpatentable over Giese in view of Tong or in view of Brown and Thomas, claim                          
              11 as being unpatentable over Giese in view of Tong or in view of Brown and Thomas                           
              and further in view of Kendall, claims 26-30 and 35-38 as being unpatentable over                            
              Giese in view of Tong or in view of Brown and Thomas and further in view of Crowley                          
              and claims 30 and 31 as being unpatentable over Giese in view of Tong or in view of                          
              Brown and Thomas and further in view of Crowley and Cameron or Barre are reversed.                           
              The examiner’s decision is affirmed-in-part.                                                                 

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