Ex Parte LUSSIER - Page 12

              Appeal No. 2004-1280                                                                 Page 12                 
              Application No. 09/630,938                                                                                   

                     Claim 28 depends from claim 26 and further recites that the chassis comprises a                       
              plurality of elongated elements extending generally from a heel portion to a toe portion.                    
              While it is true that Lorenzi’s stiffening plate 4 is a one-piece unitary structure, this                    
              structure includes medial and lateral peripheral portions and a central tongue, which                        
              may reasonably be considered to be elongated elements, with the medial and lateral                           
              portions having midfoot, forefoot and rearfoot portions and extending from a heel portion                    
              to a toe portion.  We note that appellant’s plurality of finger-shaped elements in the                       
              embodiments of Figures 1 and 2, for example, are part of a unitary structure but are still                   
              defined by appellant as elongated elements or fingers.  With that in mind, we find                           
              nothing in claim 28 which precludes the elongated elements being connected as part of                        
              a unitary structure.  The rejection of claim 28 as being unpatentable over Lorenzi is                        
                     We shall not sustain the rejection of claims 1, 5, 6, 8-10, 12-23 and 39 as being                     
              unpatentable over Giese in view of Tong or in view of Brown and Thomas.  The                                 
              stabilizer 19 of the embodiments of Figures 111-116 of Giese starts at the back of the                       
              heel and extends to just short of the ball of the foot by design so that it stiffens the rear                
              of the bottom but permits it to flex at the ball of the foot (see column 10, lines 59-62,                    
              which discusses the basic internal comfort stabilizer).  Thus, Giese actually teaches                        

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