Ex Parte LUSSIER - Page 10

              Appeal No. 2004-1280                                                                 Page 10                 
              Application No. 09/630,938                                                                                   

                     For the foregoing reasons, we do not find any of appellant’s arguments with                           
              regard to the rejection of claim 26 as being unpatentable over Trolle in view of Barma                       
              persuasive.  It follows that we shall sustain the rejection of claim 26, as well as                          
              dependent claims 29-31 which appellant has not separately argued apart from claim 26                         
              (see In re Young, 927 F.2d 588, 590, 18 USPQ2d 1089, 1091 (Fed. Cir. 1991); In re                            
              Wood, 582 F.2d 638, 642, 199 USPQ 137, 140 (CCPA 1978)).                                                     
                     We shall not sustain the rejection of claims 1, 4, 6-10 and 19 as being                               
              unpatentable over Lorenzi.  In short, Lorenzi’s stiffening plate 4 cannot reasonably be                      
              considered to comprise “a plurality of elongated elements defining at least one space                        
              therebetween extending from a forwardmost extent of the forefoot portion and                                 
              terminating in the midfoot portion” as recited in claim 1.  While the central tongue 5 and                   
              the arcuate peripheral portions of the stiffening plate 4 in the forefoot region may be                      
              considered to be a plurality of elongated elements defining two spaces therebetween,                         
              neither of those spaces extends from a forwardmost extent of the forefoot portion as                         
              called for in appellant’s claim 1, as well as claims 4, 6-10 and 19 depending therefrom.                     
              Thus, even if Lorenzi’s metal stiffening plate were modified so as to be formed of                           
              polymeric material as proposed by the examiner on page 5 of the answer, this would not                       
              result in appellant’s claimed invention.                                                                     
                     With regard to claim 26, which merely calls for an article of footwear including a                    
              sole with at least one cleat, the sole comprising a generally planar polymeric chassis                       

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