Ex Parte HAZES - Page 13

                                                                                 Interference No. 104,833            
                                                                                            Page No. 13              
            not oppose having one count, with the count being the disjunctive alternative of Bries' proposed         
            claims 82 and 83.                                                                                        
                    For the above reasons, Bries preliminary motion 1 is granted-in p . Bries preliminary            
            motion 2 is grante . Counts 1 and 2 are substituted with count 3, which is the disjunctive               
            alternative of Bries' claims 82 and 83 as follows:                                                       
                    82. An adhesive film strip composite comprising:                                                 
                    a) an adhesive film strip:                                                                       
                           (i) which is elastically or plastically extensible,                                       

                           (ii) which exhibits an adhesion less than its cohesion,                                   
                           (iii) the adhesion of which disappears on extension,                                      
                           (iv) which, when bonded to a substrate, can be released from said substrate by            
                           pulling on the adhesive film strip in the direction of the plane of the bond formed       
                           between said adhesive film strip and said substrate;                                      
                           (v) which, is sufficiently extensible for debonding to occur but of sufficient tensile    
                           strength so as not to rupture during debonding; and                                       
                    b) a plurality of hook or loop fasteners adhered to one side of said adhesive film strip         
                    in such a way that said hook or loop fasteners are free to be fastened to mating loop or         
                    hook fasteners.                                                                                  
                    83. In a method comprising bonding an adhesive film strip to a substrate, and                    
                           optionally thereafter releasing said adhesive film strip from said substrate by           
                           pulling on said adhesive film strip in the direction of the plane of the bond formed      
                           between said adhesive film strip and said substrate, the improvement which                
                           comprises employing as said adhesive film strip the adhesive film strip according         
                           to claim 82.                                                                              

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