Ex Parte HAZES - Page 6

                                                                                Interference No. 104,833               
                                                                                              Page No. 6               
                           (f) Hazes contingent preliminary motion 6 under 37 CFR 1.633(f) seeking                     
             priority benefit of German patent application DE 197 26 375, filed 21 June 1997, as to proposed           
             count 3 or 4, if Hazes preliminary motion 5 is granted (Paper 38).                                        
                           (g) Hazes contingent preliminary motion 7 under 37 CFR 1.6330) and                          
             1.633(f) seeking priority benefit of German patent application DE 197 26 375, filed 21 June               
             1997 as to the substituted counts, if Bries' preliminary motion 1 (to substitute counts) is granted       
             (Paper 48).                                                                                               
                           (h) Hazes contingent preliminary motion 8 under 37 CFR 1.6330) and                          
             1.633(f) seeking priority benefit of German patent application DE 197 26 375, filed 21 June               
             1997, as to the substitute counts, if Bries' preliminary motion 3 (to substitute counts) is granted       
             (Paper 61).                                                                                               
                    14. In addition, Hazes filed a motion to suppress (Paper 90) certain cross examination             
                           testimony of Dr. Thorsten Krawinkel (Exh. 2032).                                            
                                                    Bries motions                                                      
                    15. Bries filed the following four preliminary motions:                                            
                           (a) Bries preliminary motion I under 37 CFR 1.633(c)(1) to substitute                       
             proposed counts 3 and 4 for present counts I and 2 (Paper 25).                                            
                           (b) Bries preliminary motion 2 under 37 CFR 1.633(c)(2) to add claims 82-85                 
             to its '507 application and to have them designated as corresponding to either count 3 or count 4         
             (Paper 26).                                                                                               

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