Ex Parte HAZES - Page 7

                                                                                interference No. 104,833               
                                                                                              Page No. 7               
                           (c) Bries preliminary motion 3 under 37 CFR 1.633(c)(1) to substitute                       
             proposed counts 5 and 6 for counts I and 2, provided that the Hazes reissue application is added          
             (Paper 46).                                                                                               
                           (d) Bries preliminary motion 4 under 37 CFR 1.633(c)(2) to add claims 86-90                 
             to its '507 application and to have them designated as corresponding to either count 5 or 6 (Paper        
                    16. In addition, Bries filed a motion to suppress the declaration testimony of Dr.                 
                           Krawinkel (Exhs. 2030 and 2031) and the certificate of accuracy (Exh. 2025)                 
                           (Paper 95).                                                                                 
                    C. Decision                                                                                        
                    Hazes preliminga motion I                                                                          
                    Hazes, through its preliminary motion 1, argues that all of Bries' involved claims 68-81           
             lack written description. Bries claims 69-81 depend either directly or indirectly on claim 68.            
             The disputed limitation is contained in Bries claim 68. That claim, with the disputed limitation          
             underlined, is as follows:                                                                                
                    68. An adhesive film strip composite comprising:                                                   
                    a) an adhesive film strip:                                                                         
                           (i) which is elastically or plastically extensible,                                         
                           (ii) which exhibits an adhesion less than its cohesion,                                     
                           (iii) the adhesion of which disappears on extension,                                        
                           (iv) which exhibits a ratio of peel force to tear strength of at least 1:2, and             

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