Ex Parte HAZES - Page 5

                                                                                 Interference No. 104,833              
                                                                                              Page No. 5               
                                                Claim correspondence                                                   
                    10. All of the Hazes claims and all of the Bries claims correspond to either Count 1 or            
                           Count 2.                                                                                    
                    11. Hazes claims 1-10 and Bries claims 68-77 correspond to Count I (Paper 9 at 2).                 
                    12. Hazes claims 11-13 and Bries claims 78-81 correspond to Count 2 (Paper 9 at 2).                
                                                    Hazes motions                                                      
                    13. Hazes filed the following eight preliminary motions:                                           
                           (a) Hazes preliminary motion I under 3 7 CFR 1. 63 3 (a) for j udgment that all             
             of Bries claims are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 112, T I for lack of written description (Paper        
                           (b) Hazes preliminary motion 2 under 37 CFR 1.633(f) seeking priority                       
             benefit of German patent application DE 197 26 375, filed 21 June 1997 (Paper 34).                        
                           (c) Hazes preliminary motion 3 under 37 CFR 1.633(h) seeking to add reissue                 
             10/192,146, filed 10 July 2002, to the interference (Paper 35).                                           
                           (d) Hazes contingent preliminary motion 4 under 37 CFR 1.633(f) seeking                     
             priority benefit of German patent application DE 197 26 375, filed 21 June 1997, as to the                
             reissue application, if added (Paper 36).                                                                 
                           (e) Hazes preliminary motion 5 under 37 CFR 1.633(c)(1) to substitute count                 
             3 or count 4 2 for counts I and 2 (Paper 37).                                                             

                    2 Hazes wishes to substitute count 4 only if its motion to add the reissue application             
             is granted (Paper 37 at 2).                                                                               

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