Ex Parte HAZES - Page 1

                                        The opinion in support of the decision being                                   
                                     entered today is not binding precedent of the Board.                              
                                                                          Paper 116                                    
           Filed by: Trial Section Merits Panel                                                                        
                  Mail Stop Interference                                                                               
                  P.O. Box 1450                                                                                        
                  Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 Filed:                                                                     
                  Tel: 703-308-9797 30 January 2004                                                                    
                  Fax: 703-305-0942                                                                                    
                            UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                  

                                 BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                    
                                             AND INTERFERENCES                                                         

                                                 HANS HAZES FAN 3 0 2004                                               
                                                   Junior Party                                                        
                                             (U.S. Patent 6,086,973), PAT. & TIVI. OFFICEP FIC                            
                                                                                   BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS             
                                                                                     AND.IINTEI]RFERENCESc S                  
                                 JAMES L. BRIES and MICHAEL D. HAMERSKI                                                
                                                   Senior Party,                                                       
                                          (U.S. Application 08/989,507).                                               

                                          Patent Interference No. 104,833                                              

           Before: LANE, MEDLEY and TIERNEY, Administrative Patent Judges.                                             
           MEDLEY, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                        
                        DECISION ON PRELIMINARY MOTIONS AND JUDGMENT                                                   
                  A. Introduction                                                                                      
                         At the time the interference was declared on 26 March 2002 (Paper 1), the Hazes               
           involved patent and the Bries involved application were assigned to different entities (see Papers          
           4 and 14). After preliminary motions, oppositions, and replies were filed, but prior to oral                

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