BAI et al v. LAIKO et al - Page 38

                Interference No. 104,745                                                                                                 

                Laiko Decl. (LX 1037) ¶ 3.  Presumably as a result of this employment relationship, the involved                         
                Laiko patent is assigned to The Regents of the University of California.                                                 
                Laiko's alleged 30 October 1997 conception                                                                               
                        Dr. Burlingame, who was Dr. Laiko's faculty advisor and had the authority to approve                             
                new research projects and authorize the acquisition of resources for their implementation,                               
                testified that LX 1041 is a true and accurate copy of an AP-MALDI proposal he received from                              
                Dr. Laiko on 30 October 1997.   Burlingame Decl. (LX 1075) ¶¶ 14-15, 36-37.  The two figures                             
                appearing at page 6 of the proposal are reproduced below:                                                                

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