Ex Parte Kondo - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2005-0564                                                         
          Application No. 09/732,787                                                   
          and a bare conductor of the sheathed wire are connected with each            
          other by a molded resin portion.  An understanding of the                    
          invention can be derived from a reading of exemplary independent             
          claim 4, which is reproduced as follows:                                     
               4.   A terminal structure of a sheathed wire, comprising:               
               a terminal fitting;                                                     
               a terminal connecting portion at a rear end portion of the              
          terminal fitting at which the terminal fitting and a bare                    
          conductor of the sheathed wire is connected; and                             
               a molded portion which covers and waterproofs at least the              
          terminal connecting portion,                                                 
               wherein a circumferential size of the molded portion from a             
          part corresponding to the terminal connecting portion is                     
          continuously reduced, so that a rear end portion of the molded               
          portion has a same diameter as a diameter of the sheathed wire,              
               wherein there is no increase in the circumferential size of             
          the molded portion in a first direction parallel to a direction              
          in which the terminal fitting extends, as the circumferential                
          size of the molded portion is continuously reduced.                          
               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                   
          Examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                               
               Hauchard et al. (Hauchard)     4,969,845      Nov. 13, 1990             
               Gerrans, Jr. (Gerrans)         5,885,108      Mar. 23, 1999             
               Appellant’s admitted prior art, as depicted in Figure 6 of              
          the instant application.                                                     


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