Ex Parte Kondo - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2005-0564                                                         
          Application No. 09/732,787                                                   
               Claims 4 and 7 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being            
          unpatentable over the admitted prior art and Gerrans.                        
               Claims 6 and 8 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being            
          unpatentable over the admitted prior art and Gerrans and further             
          in view of Hauchard.                                                         
               Rather than reiterate the opposing arguments, reference is              
          made to the briefs and answer for the respective positions of                
          Appellant and the Examiner.  Only those arguments actually made              
          by Appellant have been considered in this decision.  Arguments               
          which Appellant could have made but chose not to make in the                 
          brief have not been considered (37 CFR § 41.67(c)(1)(vii)).                  
               The Examiner relies on the admitted prior art for teaching              
          all the elements of the recited claim except for the continuously            
          reduced portion (answer, page 3).  The Examiner, however, reasons            
          that the missing limitation is disclosed by Gerrans as molded                
          portion 16 wherein the continuously reduced portion, in its rear             
          end portion, has the same diameter as that of cable 22 and                   
          provides a smoother grip on the molded portion (id.).                        
               Appellant argues that providing a “smoother grip” is nowhere            
          disclosed in Gerrans (brief, page 5; reply brief, page 2).                   
          Appellant further asserts that it would not be clear how the                 


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