Ex Parte PALTENGHE et al - Page 3

                Appeal No. 2005-0748                                                                                                          
                Application No. 09/190,727                                                                                                    

               combining the first consumer’s purchase data with the second consumer’s purchase                                               
               anonymizing the purchase data from the first and second consumers’ orders into                                                 
               anonymous data; and                                                                                                            
               transmitting the anonymous data to the at least one merchant wherein the combining                                             
               and anonymizing steps are performed independently of any input from the first or second                                        

                                                           THE PRIOR ART                                                                      
               The prior art references of record relied upon by the examiner in rejecting the                                                
               appealed claims are:                                                                                                           

               Low et al. (Low)                                   5,420,926                         May 30, 1995                              
               Goldhaber et al. (Goldhaber)                       5,794,210                                  Aug. 11, 1998                    
               O’Neil et al. (O’Neil)                             5,987,440                         Nov. 16, 1999                             

                                                          THE REJECTIONS                                                                      
               Claims 22 and 24 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 (a) as being unpatentable                                                
               over Goldhaber in view of O’Neil.                                                                                              

               Claim 23 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 (a) as being unpatentable over                                                  
               Goldhaber in view of O’Neil and further in view of Low.                                                                        

               Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the appellants and                                                
               the examiner regarding the above noted rejections, we refer to the examiner’s answer                                           
               (mailed September 7, 2004) and appellants’ brief (filed June 23, 2004) for a full                                              
               exposition thereof.                                                                                                            

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