Ex Parte PALTENGHE et al - Page 7

                Appeal No. 2005-0748                                                                                                          
                Application No. 09/190,727                                                                                                    

               anonymizing and combining purchase data relating to first and second consumers’                                                
               orders.  In conclusion, the Goldhaber reference also fails to meet the claim limitation of                                     
               transmitting purchase data relating to first and second consumers’ orders, which has                                           
               been combined and anonymized, to at least one merchant.                                                                        
               The examiner has relied on the O’Neil reference to address the step of                                                         
               “combining the first consumer’s purchase data with the second consumer’s purchase                                              
               data”.  The O’Neil reference generally discloses the creation of an Internet community                                         
               where individual members of the Internet community can create access rules for each                                            
               piece of their personal information.  An E-broker utilizing the access rules can enable                                        
               others to gain access to the pieces of personal information depending on the established                                       
               access rules.  The examiner has specifically relied on Col. 13, line 65-Col. 14, line 14 of                                    
               O’Neil which discloses an E-broker that searches all members of the community to find                                          
               those that have expressed an interest in purchasing a car and creates a list of those                                          
               members for a personal information agent (E-PIA).  Like Goldhaber, O’Neil does not                                             
               disclose purchase data concerning first and second consumers’ orders, rather it appears                                        
               that O’Neil gathers demographic information and creates an internet-based listing of its                                       
               members to be sent to a merchant.  O’Neil also fails to meet the elements of claim 22                                          
               discussed above with respect to Goldhaber.                                                                                     

               Since the Goldhaber and O’Neil references do not render obvious the limitations                                                
               of “anonymizing the purchase data from the first and second consumers’ orders into                                             
               anonymous data”, “wherein the combining and anonymizing steps are performed                                                    

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