Ex Parte PALTENGHE et al - Page 6

                Appeal No. 2005-0748                                                                                                          
                Application No. 09/190,727                                                                                                    

                The Goldhaber reference also discusses consumers’ past purchases or                                                           
               transactions, but discloses that a consumer can choose to exclude a transaction from his                                       
               demographic or interest profile and can delete any transaction records.  See Col. 6, lines                                     
               49-58.  The exclusion of certain transactions from a consumer demographic profile is not                                       
               necessarily the same as removing or anonymizing all transactions from the demographic                                          
               profile.  Even if the exclusion of a consumer’s past purchase or transaction from their                                        
               profile could be considered to read on “anonymizing purchase data”, it appears that                                            
               excluding past purchases or transactions requires input by the consumer.  This express                                         
               passage in Goldhaber is contrary to the claim language requiring that “the combining and                                       
               anonymizing steps are performed independently of any input from the first or second                                            

               Claim 22 also requires “transmitting the anonymous data to at least one                                                        
               merchant”.  Goldhaber does not disclose transmitting purchase data relating to first and                                       
               second consumers’ orders that has been combined and anonymized to at least one                                                 
               merchant.  Goldhaber discloses that customer interest or demographic profiles, which                                           
               can include consumers’ past transactions or purchases, are stored at the consumers’                                            
               computers or at attention brokerage services.  A software agent associated with a                                              
               consumer’s computer can present the user’s interest profile to an attention brokerage                                          
               server, or the software agent can maintain the interest profile confidential.  See Col. 14,                                    
               lines 41-43 and Col. 15, lines 57-63.  Although the user interest profile can be presented                                     
               to an attention brokerage service, it does not appear that there is transmission of this                                       
               data to a merchant.  Moreover, as explained before, Goldhaber has not disclosed                                                

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