Ex Parte PALTENGHE et al - Page 4

                Appeal No. 2005-0748                                                                                                          
                Application No. 09/190,727                                                                                                    

                Having carefully reviewed the obviousness issues raised in this appeal in light of                                            
               the record before us, we make the determinations that follow.                                                                  

                Before addressing the merits of the rejection, we would like to again highlight the                                           
               subject matter of appellant’s invention.  Appellants’ invention relates to an anonymous                                        
               shopping feature that functions like a “shopping cart” on a website, which enables a                                           
               consumer to create a consolidated purchase order after spanning multiple merchant                                              
               websites and shopping sessions.  The anonymous shopping feature utilizes an                                                    
               information bank to serve as an intermediary between the customer and the merchant.                                            
               The information bank provides an alias for each consumer, and a different alias can be                                         
               used for different merchants.  The information bank consolidates orders made by                                                
               different consumers and pays the merchants directly in lump sum along with a summary                                           
               of orders and corresponding ship to addresses.  The consumer is billed by the                                                  
               information bank so that credit card information and other information are not transmitted                                     
               over the Internet.  In contrast, the Goldhaber reference which has been used by the                                            
               examiner as the principle reference in the obviousness rejections on appeal addresses                                          
               various methods for merchants to target advertising to interested consumers utilizing                                          
               demographic data.  We note that although appellants devote a significant part of their                                         
               specification to subject matter similar to that disclosed by Goldhaber, i.e., to a third party                                 
               service to market demographic and other marketing related information to                                                       
               manufacturers, distributors, etc., appellants’ claims 22-24 are directed to the anonymous                                      

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Last modified: November 3, 2007