Ex Parte Sandhu et al - Page 2

             Appeal No. 2005-1031                                                                              
             Application No. 09/998,073                                                                        

                   46.  A system for chemically treating a surface of a workpiece comprising:                  
                   a supply of a transmission gas which is substantially nonattenuating to preselected         
             wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation produced by said system;                                 
                   a supply of a gaseous constituent;                                                          
                   an inlet structure for exposing the workpiece to a controlled gaseous atmosphere            
             containing said transmission gas and for providing a flow of said gaseous constituent to the      
             surface of said workpiece; and                                                                    
                   a source of electromagnetic radiation adapted to converge a beam produced thereby in        
             said flow in close proximity to the surface of the workpiece, but spaced a finite distance        
             therefrom, to dissociate said gaseous constituent to produce a high flux of activated reactive    
             species that chemically treats said surface of said workpiece.                                    

                   64.  A system for treating a surface of a workpiece with electromagnetic radiation, said    
             system comprising:                                                                                
                   a first gas source configured to provide a transmission gas defined by a first radiation    
             absorption coefficient;                                                                           
                   a second gas source configured to provide a gaseous constituent defined by a second         
             radiation absorption coefficient such that said gaseous constituent is more absorptive of said    
             electromagnetic radiation than said transmission gas;                                             
                   a chamber comprising:                                                                       
                   a workpiece-containing portion; and                                                         
                   an inlet configured to establish fluid communication between said first and second gas      
             sources and said chamber such that a gaseous atmosphere is defined therein, said gaseous          
             atmosphere comprising a first region spaced from said workpiece surface and configured to         
             accept said transmission gas, and a second region disposed between said first region and said     
             workpiece surface and configured to accept said gaseous constituent; and                          


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Last modified: November 3, 2007