Ex Parte Sandhu et al - Page 6

                Appeal No. 2005-1031                                                                                                            
                Application No. 09/998,073                                                                                                      

                46.  Therefore, the rejection of claims 47-58 and 60-63 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being                                       
                anticipated by Elliott is also affirmed.                                                                                        
                         B.      Rejection of claims 64-69                                                                                      
                         Claims 64-69 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by Elliott.  In                                
                contrast to claim 46, claim 64 requires an electromagnetic radiation source "configured" such                                   
                that upon operation of the source a beam produced thereby converges at a location in close                                      
                proximity to, but not on, the workpiece surface.                                                                                
                         Appellants do not define the term "configured" in the specification.  However,                                         
                Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 241 (10th ed. 2000) (copy attached), defines the term                                  
                "configured" as "to set up for operation esp. in a particular way."  See Texas Digital Sys. Inc. v.                             
                Telegenix Inc., 308 F.3d 1193, 1202, 64 USPQ2d 1812, 1818 (Fed. Cir. 2002) ("unless                                             
                compelled otherwise, a court will give a claim term the full range of its ordinary meaning as                                   
                understood by persons skilled in the relevant art").  Therefore, we interpret claim 64 as requiring                             
                a system comprising an electromagnetic radiation source set up for operation in a particular way                                
                for a given workpiece such that upon operation of the source a beam produced thereby converges                                  
                at a location in close proximity to, but not on, the workpiece surface.                                                         
                         In Elliott, the electromagnetic radiation source is "configured" for a given workpiece                                 
                such that upon operation of the source a beam produced thereby converges at the workpiece                                       
                surface rather than at a location in close proximity to, but not on, the workpiece surface as                                   
                required by claim 64.  We recognize that the optical component of the laser system that functions                               


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