Ex Parte Sienel et al - Page 3

                Appeal No. 2005-2429                                                                            Page 3                   
                Application No. 10/069,612                                                                                               

                                                             II. OPINION                                                                 
                        Rather than reiterate the positions of the examiner or the appellants in toto, we                                
                focus on a point of contention therebetween.  The examiner asserts that Barzegar's                                       
                "providing high priority to voice communications by the ISD 22 by providing a bandwidth                                  
                on demand (column 13, lines 40-45) . . . necessarily includes a mechanism (adjustor)                                     
                'for adjusting a variable capacity parameter', since bandwidth-on-demand must provide                                    
                a capacity related parameter, such as bandwidth or transmission rate, for implementing                                   
                the functionality. . . ."  (Examiner's Answer at 10.)  The appellants argue "the cited                                   
                reference does not teach or suggest adjusting a capacity parameter for the vocal                                         
                commanding based on the indication signal, as required by the claims."  (Appeal Br. at                                   

                In addressing the point of contention, the Board conducts a two-step analysis.                                           
                First, we construe the independent claim at issue to determine their scope.  Second, we                                  
                determine whether the construed claims would have been obvious.                                                          

                                                      A. CLAIM CONSTRUCTION                                                              

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