Ex Parte Sienel et al - Page 7

                Appeal No. 2005-2429                                                                            Page 7                   
                Application No. 10/069,612                                                                                               

                Id. at ll. 11-34.  Based on these parts of the reference, we agree with the appellants that                              
                "Barzegar's teachings with regard to bandwidth on demand simply relate to giving                                         
                bandwidth allocation priority to voice calls over data transfers (i.e., if an available                                  
                channel does not exist when a new voice call comes in, a channel may deallocated from                                    
                data usage for allocation to the new voice call since voice usage has a higher priority                                  
                than data usage)."  (Appeal Br. at 12.)                                                                                  

                        Once the reference's ISD, FMP, and NSP have allocated bandwidth to a voice                                       
                call, we are unpersuaded that Barzegar's architecture can adjust a variable capacity                                     
                parameter for the call.  To the contrary, "the capacity parameter for the vocal dialing                                  
                appears to be fixed. . . ."  (Appeal Br. at 11.)  Absent a teaching or suggestion of                                     
                adjusting a variable capacity parameter for vocal commanding based on an indication                                      
                signal, we are unpersuaded of a prima facie case of obviousness.                                                         

                        Regardless of whether Barzegar's provision of bandwidth on demand adjusts a                                      
                variable capacity parameter for a call, the examiner admits that "Barzegar do[es] not                                    
                expressly discloses combining speech recognition for spoken commanding and                                               
                bandwidth-on-demand together for implementing functionality as the claimed                                               
                'said speech recognizer comprising an adjustor for adjusting a variable capacity                                         
                parameter for said vocal commanding based on said indication signal detected by said                                     

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