Ex Parte Sienel et al - Page 6

                Appeal No. 2005-2429                                                                            Page 6                   
                Application No. 10/069,612                                                                                               

                        [W]here calls are placed digitally through the packet network, signaling                                         
                        information may be sent to the NSP 46 along with control information                                             
                        informing the NSP 46 that a virtual circuit for a call is requested.  If it is a                                 
                        voice call, a high priority must be given to the virtual circuit and the                                         
                        NSP 46 must make sure the bandwidth is available.  At the time a call is                                         
                        made which is to be routed directly from the FMP 32 through the packet-                                          
                        switched networks (e.g., SONET or ATM), the FMP 32 may be handling                                               
                        data to and from the subscribers.  At the time the request for a high priority                                   
                        voice channel is made, the ISD 22 has already de-allocated bandwidth                                             
                        assigned for data transmission to make room for the higher priority voice                                        
                        transmission.  The FMP 32 communicates the demand for high priority                                              
                        bandwidth to the NSP 46 and the NSP 36 may deallocate bandwidth                                                  
                        formerly dedicated to data transmission (the same data for which                                                 
                        bandwidth was de-allocated by the ISD 22) as it, at the same time,                                               
                        allocates bandwidth for the high priority call.  This may involve a                                              
                        transmission from the FMP 32 to the NSP 46 telling the NSP 46 that less                                          
                        low-priority data bandwidth is needed in the current call and high priority                                      
                        bandwidth is needed for the new voice call.  The NSP 46 then responds                                            
                        by allocating or identifying available circuits (virtual) and providing the                                      
                        appropriate signaling.                                                                                           

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