Ex Parte Sienel et al - Page 8

                Appeal No. 2005-2429                                                                            Page 8                   
                Application No. 10/069,612                                                                                               

                detector.'"  (Examiner's Answer at  4.)  He asserts that such a combination would have                                   
                been obvious, however, "for the purpose of fully taking advantage of available                                           
                services and offering efficient communications (column 13, lines 43 and column 15,                                       
                lines 31-32) for the system."  (Id. at 5.)                                                                               

                        For our part, we agree with the appellants that the sections of Barzegar relied on                               
                by the examiner "do not provide any motivation to combine a particular bandwidth                                         
                allocation with the voice-dialing scenario."  (Appeal Br. at 14.)  As observed by the                                    
                appellants, "the cited sections simply indicate the preferred 'embodiment (of Barzegar)                                  
                makes it simple and efficient to provide high priority to voice communications by the                                    
                ISD 22 by providing a bandwidth on demand . . .' (column 13, lines 43) and provides the                                  
                implicit advantage that 'voice dialing may be provided by a different company from the                                   
                one that actually makes the call' (column 15, lines 31-34)."  (Id.)  In other words, both                                
                sections describe advantages of Barzegar's architecture as is, without the modification                                  
                proposed by the examiner.  Therefore, we reverse the obviousness rejection of                                            
                claims 1, 4, 7, and 10 and of claims 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 11-14, which depend therefrom.                                
                                                         III. CONCLUSION                                                                 

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