Ex Parte Cattell et al - Page 16

                 Appeal No. 2006-0673                                                                                 Page 16                     
                 Application No. 09/919,555                                                                                                       

                 array layout information and unique identifier."  (Id. at ll. 21-24.)  "The substrate 10 is                                      
                 then sent to a cutter 152 where each individual array 12 and its associated local                                                
                 identifier 356 are separated from the remainder of the substrate 10, as indicated by                                             
                 reference number 10b, to provide multiple array units 15."  (Id. at ll. 28-33.)  A "second                                       
                 copy of the local identifier 356 and corresponding unique identifier 358, are physically                                         
                 associated with the corresponding array," (id. at ll. 44-60); "[t]he array unit 15 is placed                                     
                 in package 340," (id. at ll. 38-39); and "[t]he resulting package is then shipped to a                                           
                 remote user station. . . ."  (Id. at ll. 47-48.)  We find that Cattell '351's shipping of the                                    
                 local identifier and the unique identifier to the remote user station anticipates the                                            
                 claimed forwarding of data to a location remote from where an array is fabricated.6                                              
                 Therefore, we affirm the rejection of claim 1 and of claims 2, 4-16, and 47-54, which fall                                       
                 therewith, as anticipated by the reference.                                                                                      

                         6 Cattell '351 further explains that "[a]t the user station, the resulting package is                                    
                 then received from the remote fabrication station. . . . A sample, for example a test                                            
                 sample, is exposed to the array 12 on the array unit 15 received in package 340.  The                                            
                 array is then inserted into scanner 160 and interrogated . . . ."  (Col. 11, l. 62  to Col. 12,                                  
                 l. 4 .)                                                                                                                          

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