Ex Parte Cattell et al - Page 22

                 Appeal No. 2006-0673                                                                                 Page 22                     
                 Application No. 09/919,555                                                                                                       

                       E. OBVIOUSNESS TYPE DOUBLE-PATENTING OVER CLAIMS 1-19 OF CATTELL '351                                                      
                         Comparison of the appellants' claims 1, 2, 4-16, and 45-54 and claims 1-19 of                                            
                 Cattell '351 has not persuaded us that the are two sets of claims are not patentably                                             
                 distinct.  Therefore, we reverse the rejection of the former claims under the judicially                                         
                 created doctrine of obviousness type double-patenting over claims 1-19 of Cattell '351.                                          
                                                             III. CONCLUSION                                                                      
                         In summary, the rejections under § 102(e) and under § 103(a) are affirmed.  The                                          
                 rejections of claims 1, 2, 4-16, and 45-54 are also  affirmed.  The rejection under the                                          
                 judicially created doctrine of obviousness type double-patenting, however, is reversed.                                          

                         "Any arguments or authorities not included in the brief or a reply brief filed                                           
                 pursuant to § 41.41 will be refused consideration by the Board, unless good cause is                                             
                 shown."  37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(vii).  Accordingly, our affirmance is based only on the                                         
                 arguments made in the briefs.  Any arguments or authorities omitted therefrom are                                                
                 neither before us nor at issue but are considered waived.  Cf. In re Watts, 354 F.3d                                             
                 1362, 1367, 69 USPQ2d 1453, 1457 (Fed. Cir. 2004) ("[I]t is important that the applicant                                         
                 challenging a decision not be permitted to raise arguments on appeal that were not                                               
                 presented to the Board.")  No time for taking any action connected with this appeal may                                          
                 be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(1)(iv).                                                                                   

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