Ex Parte Diehl et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 20006-1116                                                       
          Application No. 10/450,439                                                  
                               APPEALED SUBJECT MATTER                                
               The subject matter on appeal is directed to cooling a hot              
          gas mixture containing (meth)acrylic acid.  See the                         
          Specification, page 1.  Further details of the appealed subject             
          matter are recited in representative claim 1 which is reproduced            
                    1.  A process for cooling a hot gas mixture which                 
               comprises (meth) acrylic acid comprising:                              
                    cooling by means of a cooling liquid in a spray cooler,           
                    wherein at least one impingement atomizer is used for             
               atomizing the cooling liquid in the spray cooler.                      
          The term “impingement atomizer” recited in claim 1 is used to               
          define atomization that “is effected by at least one stream of              
          the cooling liquid (quenching liquid) impinging either on at                
          least a second stream of the cooling liquid and/or on an                    
          impingement plate.”  See the Specification, page 4.  This                   
          impingement atomizer is said to overcome the clogging problem               
          associated with “the atomizer nozzles [such as single-fluid                 
          nozzles] used in the prior art for atomization...”  See the                 
          Specification, page 3.  The clogging problem of the single-fluid            
          nozzles is attributed in part to the formation of polymers (via             
          free radical polymerization) which “are generally sticky and                
          easily lead to blockage of the spray nozzles.”  Id.                         


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Last modified: November 3, 2007