Ex Parte Diehl et al - Page 10

          Appeal No. 20006-1116                                                       
          Application No. 10/450,439                                                  
          atomizer caused by free radical polymerization.  See In re                  
          Ludwig, 353 F.2d 241, 147 USPQ 420 (CCPA 1965).  When the                   
          atomizer can no longer function as the atomizer due to the                  
          external clogging caused by sticky polymer, one of ordinary skill           
          in the art will readily observe such problem after the atomizer             
          is removed from a cooling chamber.  This is especially true in              
          this case since Schroder, relied upon by the appellants, teaches            
          that one of ordinary skill in the art knows that in the                     
          admittedly known cooling process, acrylic acid undergoes free               
          radical polymerization.  See column 1, lines 59-65.  Thus, from             
          our perspective, one of ordinary skill in the art recognizing the           
          advantage of the impingement atomizer of the type discussed in              
          Suzuki, i.e., a fluid stream being sufficiently pressurized to              
          wash away foreign matter clogging the nozzle port, would have               
          been led to use such atomizer to reduce the observed clogging               
          problem of the nozzle port associated with the admittedly known             
          cooling process.                                                            
               Thus, for the reasons set forth above and in the Answer, we            
          concur with the examiner that the prior art references would have           
          rendered the subject matter defined by all the claims on appeal             
          obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art within the meaning of           
          35 U.S.C. § 103.                                                            


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