Ex Parte Diehl et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 20006-1116                                                       
          Application No. 10/450,439                                                  
               As evidence of obviousness of the claimed subject matter,              
          the examiner relies upon the following prior art:                           
          Suzuki et al. (Suzuki)  4,531,677   Jul. 30, 1985                           
          Wu et al. (Wu)    6,322,054 B1  Nov. 27, 2001                               
               The appellants’ admission at pages 2-5 and 7 of the                    
          specification (hereinafter referred to as “the admitted prior               
               As evidence of nonobviousness of the claimed subject matter,           
          the appellants rely upon the following reference:                           
          Schroder et al. (Schroder) 6,498,272 B1  Dec. 24, 2002                      
               Claims 1 through 10 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)            
          as unpatentable over the combined teachings of the admitted prior           
          art and either Suzuki or Wu.                                                
               We have carefully reviewed the claims, specification and               
          applied prior art, including all of the arguments advanced by the           
          examiner and the appellants in support of their respective                  
          positions.  This review has led us to conclude the examiner’s               
          Section 103(a) rejection is well founded.  Accordingly, we affirm           


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